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How Is Periodontal Therapy Important For Heart And Oral Health?

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The focus of medical practice is periodontal therapy, which includes both invasive and non-invasive periodontal therapy techniques. Often times, early stages of periodontal disorder are effectively cured with non-invasive periodontal therapy before surgery is required. When gum disease is suspected, it is important to be checked for periodontal disease before any surgical procedure is performed. The goals of periodontal therapy include the prevention of periodontal pockets that can later become cancerous; reducing inflammation and tartar build-up; and reducing bone loss. Here are more details about periodontal therapy.

Periodontal disease occurs when the tissues that constitute the gums and bone are infected by bacteria. Bacteria that cause periodontal infection feeds on the healthy, living tissue found in the gums and bones of the mouth. The treatment includes both surgical and non-surgical procedures to remove the diseased tissues and prevent them from being re-infected.

Surgical procedures and other treatments for periodontal disorder include scaling, root planing, endodontic therapy, and laser surgery. Scaling is the surgical removal of diseased tissue but leaves the tooth intact. Root planning is the surgical positioning of the roots of the tooth. Endodontic therapy treats the periodontal pockets and removing the infected tissues using chemical solutions. Laser surgery removes plaque from the teeth by applying a laser beam directly to the problem areas. Whether or not a patient undergoes surgery depends on the severity of the condition.

Not only does regular periodontal therapy to slow the progress of periodontal disease, it also helps reduce the risks of heart disease. Research indicates that patients who practiced regular dental care were less likely to develop heart disease. Regular therapy helps lower the chances of developing gum disease by reducing inflammation of gums and bones, improving oral health, reducing pockets of bone growth, preventing gingivitis, and reducing risk factors for complications like gum disease, bone loss, and periodontitis. As well, regular care can help prevent a recurrence of bacterial infections, which lead to periodontitis, and heart disease. A healthy mouth is important for overall health and a healthy heart.

The effectiveness of periodontal therapy depends on how early the disease is detected. The earlier the disease is detected, the better are the chances for a full recovery. Periodontitis can be treated using a variety of dental and medical therapies. Ensure you pick the help of a Casco Bay Smiles therapist. In the early stages, the most important thing is to prevent gum disease from getting worse. Since the bacteria that cause gingivitis affects the blood supply to gums, a good oral hygiene program is crucial to controlling the spread of the bacteria. A thorough cleaning with a periodontal hygienist twice a year is essential.

Systemic antibiotics are often used in periodontal therapy, to treat not just gingivitis, but also antibiotics to prevent gum diseases like periodontitis, and cancers like mouth cancer, prostrate cancer, and lung cancer. Although systemic antibiotics are effective against some bacteria, like E. coli, they are ineffective against other types of bacteria, like Streptococcus salivarius, and cannot get at the bacteria that cause systemic diseases. Therefore, it is not effective to use systemic antibiotics in combination with periodontal therapy to treat either infection or heart disease. Besides antibiotics, other forms of systemic treatment may be used to combat bacteria growth in the body including systemic immunosuppressive drugs and azathioprine, mercaptopurine, and polymyositis. These treatments are not useful for bacterial infections and heart diseases. Check out this post for more detailed information: